Jewish Learning and Exploration
Torah Study and Discussion
Come join us for discussions of the parsha and other Jewish themes. Discussions are led by visiting clergy or fellow congregants. Check the calendar or weekly communications for details.
Books and Coffee – TBS Jewish Book Club
Held every month in Cape Coral. Each month a different book is discussed. Books are chosen a month ahead of time by the group and are discussed the following month. The books that are chosen are books that are usually readily available at the library, in print, e-books and audio books.
Jewish Theme Movies
Documentaries are shown every Wednesday evening at 7:30 on Zoom. After the movie, there is a short discussion session so everybody can share their thoughts.
Jewish Learning Trips
Close by and Far Away!
Our Social Activities Chair coordinates many Jewish experiences that we attend as a group. Whether it is going to the Naples Holocaust Museum, attending a Jewish play or planning a trip to a foreign country to explore our Jewish roots, our members readily
participate. The Educational events are usually announced in our Weekly Communications..