Saturday Night Movie – the ABC Murders Part One
Saturday night move via Zoom
Saturday night move via Zoom
Gett - The trial of Viviane Amsalem Viviane Amsalem (Ronit Elkabetz) has been married to her husband, Elisha (Simon Abkarian)
Join us for a traditional Saturday morning Torah Service, Torah Study and delicious Kiddush.
Special Service Honoring our Veterans Arlene Cohen will be sponsoring the oneg in honor of our veterans & in memory
Bring your favorite game, Thanksgiving leftovers or make a dish and relax and enjoy an afternoon with your TBS family.
Not only are we reading the book, we are going to try out the recipes in this book. Meet us
Join us for a fun evening at Robin's featuring Cantor Barry and Cantor Victor. Suggested donation $20